This will make the Fox immediately start dying of old age. Shift + Ctrl + C and type ‘testingcheats true’ without apostrophe – type in Motherlode to get 50K and Rosebud for 1K Shift + Ctrl + C and type ‘testingcheats true’ without apostrophe – Shift + Click on the Fridge and select Animal Treat Shift + Click on the ground, select Create Animal, and select the desired animalĬreate a Chicken Coop, Shift + Click it, and create the required Chicken – Evil or GoldenĬreate a Chicken Coop, Shift + Click it, and select Create Egg Shift + Ctrl + C and type ‘testingcheats true’ without apostrophe – put a Wild Rabbit home and Shift + Click it to create them Shift + Click on the ground, select Create Animals, and select Bunnies Shift + Click on an animal and select Buy Animal Clothing The Sims 4 UI Cheats Extension Mod Features Increase your Need by just clicking or dragging Gain 1000 by left-clicking on the money counter Set household funds by right-clicking on the money counter Remove any moodlet by right-clicking Fill aspiration Goal by right-clicking Promote or Demote your. Shift + Click and select Cheat Relationship and Set Max Friendship Nature Conversationalist: traits.equipgtrait traitgNaturegCountry Lactose Intolerant: traits.equipgtrait traitgLactoseIntolerant Animal Enthusiast: traits.equipgtrait traitgAnimalEnthusiast Simply Shift + Click anywhere on the ground Effects Create All Feed Recipe Ingredients In Inventory.